Conscious Heart Creations™ is an initiative on healing and empowerment through collaborations with individuals, organizations and communities on social entrepreneurship, healing arts and conscious education, ecological sustainability, indigenous cultural awareness and advocacy, and community building.
Learn MoreJanneke NEX Agustin has always worked with the invisible, the Universe, God, Buddha, Allah, Higher Self, seen and unseen beings - whatever name we may be comfortable to call her/him/them. As an artist, a process facilitator, a writer, a conscious performer, an educator, an organizer and as a Filipina, it was (is) but natural to call out into no-thingness -- Bathala and bahala na -- in creating or manifesting out of that often invisible inspiration.
Frances is a cultural enthusiast and curator. She enjoys long discussions on political economy, arts and working on creative contents and passionate about volunteering and learning different skills.
Krizel is passionate about developmental work particularly in the field of humanistic education and visual arts. She currently maintains a day job in the non-profit sector that resonates with her advocacies.
Kahlille is a freelance development practitioner and management consultant who loves brainstorming ideas and taking them to the next level.
Love is the web designer and developer of the CHC website. She started as a web designer but transitioned as a front-end developer, and a self-taught programmer.
Louise is a photographer and a cultural creative who finds happiness in documenting life events. She is passionate about holistic education, indigenous culture, and conscious arts.
Patrich is a graphic designer, illustrator and visual artist, who can seamlessly translate ideas and concepts into visual form and graphics. He also co-created the overall design of Conscious Heart Creations.